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Kolo Bell

Life long resident, Kolo Bell, expresses his music with the heart of a true musician.  Check out his facebook page to find out where you can hear him play.  You'll enjoy his talent.  

Susan Crandall

Our very own Susie Zinn Crandall, was born right here in Noblesville.  Her dad, well known Vic Zinn (Vic Zinn Music from 1961 to 1989) and mom, Margie Beaver (Beaver Material) raised her and her siblings in an idealic setting.  Her writing began when her sister, Sally, admitted she'd been writing.  Being the big sister, she had to put in her two cents - which changed her life forever.  Today, Susie is a Internationally Best Selling Author, winner of several awards and keeping it real in Noblesville.  Get to know her and her work by visiting her site.   

Kurt Meyer

Kurt Meyer’s writing, whether as newspaper columnist, novelist or blogger, chronicles and explores the changing cultural landscape of Midwestern small town life. He’s worked as a realtor specializing in marketing historic properties, has restored multiple Victorian-era homes and co-founded the annual literary journal, Polk Street Review. His newest novel, The Salvage Man, was released by River’s Edge Media in September 2015.  Contact or see more of Kurt by visiting his site.

Bill Kenley

"Twice voted the most influential and inspiring teacher in his high school, Bill Kenley knows what makes the young adult audience tick. Kenley’s debut novel, High School Runner (Freshman), is his fictional love letter to high school cross-country. Kenley is an award-winning high school and college-level creative writing teacher, a three-time Boston marathoner with a 2:47 marathon personal best, and a fifty miler under his belt."  Bill Kenley Facebook Page

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