Interurban Electric RR
Transcribed from Hamilton County by John F. Haines 1915
The building of the interurban electric railroad through Hamilton County marked a great advancement in the means of traveling in the county. A general system of interurban railroads had been the dream of many men but it seemed at times it always would exist only in the minds of some enterprising dreamers. Years ago such a scheme was projected in Hamilton County and it went so far toward completion as to have a considerable amount of grading done in the county, but for lack of funds the great project came to naught. In the year 1901 it seemed that the plan of an electric road was about to materialize. The various towns through which the proposed road was to run granted the right of way through certain streets and farmers along the proposed route sold the right of way through their land to the Union Traction Company. Gangs of foreigners, mostly Italians, were put to work on the roadbed for months and finally on the first of November, 1903 the first cars carrying passengers went through the county. Beside many country stops, for the local cars only, the cars all stop at Carmel, Noblesville, Cicero, Arcadia and Atlanta in Hamilton county. The cars run every hour in the day from five-thirty, midnight. This railroad has proved a great advantage to Hamilton county, especially to the country people. Many citizens of Noblesville and vicinity opposed its construction, fearing it would distract from home industries. They seemed to forget that while it would carry some trade to the city it would also bring new business to Noblesville.
The Indiana Union Traction Company has the following valuation on its property through the county: Main track, $219,780; side track, fifteen miles, $1,500; rolling stock, $19,353; personal property, $3,390; total, $244,205
NOTE: Through oral family history, as my family goes back 6 generations, heard this mode of transportation made speeds up to 70 mph.