By visiting this page, you acknowledge that the information contained within is provided to help individuals gain insight to the body's healing processes, to provide some new information available for review, and not to replace the decisions you make with your healthcare provider. Please review with a critical eye and remember - you are the author of your own health.
Please check back as more information will be added regularly. Plus we will be adding personal experiences with those who tried alternative health care and how it changed their lives. We hope this information will help the reader to form good questions to ask their own doctors - as new ideas and scientific breakthroughs are happening at an exponential rate.
Curing Macular Degeneration
One of the best books I've ever come across that has made one of the largest impact in my family's life is, Dead Doctors Don't Lie, by Dr. Joel D. Wallach and Dr. Ma Lan. My mom suffered from dry macular degeneration. Over time she was losing her vision to the point where reading was incredibly difficult - not only from the stand point she couldn't see the words, but she felt her love of books was being robbed from her life.
After listening to a pod cast with Dr. Wallach, I felt inspired to at least give his book a go. I ordered it off of Amazon and just a day later, I had it in my hands. In no time I was off to Walmart to purchase my minerals and vitamins Dr. Wallach states helps with her vision issue. And yes, I even ordered his Multi-Mineral Complex colloidal formula - much to my angst at the time.
Mom had issues with swallowing a lot of pills (she was pushing 90) I offered up a nice fruit smoothie that she happily enjoyed - a smoothie full of her vitamins and this colloidal mineral stuff.
In two weeks from the time I started her smoothie boost, she had an eye examine. No changes. Well, it wasn't the miracle I expected, but her vision wasn't getting worse - not like the downward trajectory we were on. I decided I would keep up with her 5 pm smoothies.
Another 30 days passed and we were once again before the eye doc. Well now... this was our interesting appointment. Her eye doctor made her read the eye chart 3 times. She was stunned. Macular Degeneration does not go away. Had my mother memorized the chart? LOL unlikely. She also had mild dementia.
While she hadn't regained all her youthful vision back, she had regained some of her vision, she was able to see the words on her beloved books easier. And that made my mom feel fabulous! The next 2 visits revealed her vision was indeed returning.
Sadly, my lovely mom, passed away of unrelated issues after enjoying 90 years of a life well lived.
Dr. Wallach's formula for Macular Degeneration from his book, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie, is: "Elimination of all fried foods and margarine, elimination of all sugar, natural and processed (which we didn't do - she enjoyed her smoothies) supplements with all 90 essential nutrients (including selenium - 500 mcg., vitamin E - 1200 iu., methionine), taurine 2-5 grams per day. and the 60 essential minerals in the plant derived colloidal form."
Below you will find a video on the Benefits of Turmeric. We do not sell this spice, but on a personal level after listening to this broadcast, I treated my Shingles. I was diagnosed with systemic Shingles, took Valtrex nearly every month for the past 5 years. I started taking 2000 mg of Turmeric with Curcumin per day from Walmart, at a price of about $7 per month - and I no longer suffer with Shingles. In this broadcast, it doesn't talk about Shingles, but it does talk about lowering blood pressure, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and it's good for over 600 ailments with over 25 years of study to back it up.
My husband suffers from high blood pressure and cholesterol and after being on Turmeric with Curcumin for over 30 days, he is able to mange both with great effectiveness. His doctor has removed him from blood pressure medicine (although he keeps a supply if it just in case he needs it) and he removed him from the scary statin drugs. We work with our doctor, getting regular check ups, to monitor our Turmeric continues to work and maintain the benefits.
We are very lucky to have a good doctor who listens to us and welcomes our questions and enjoys exploring alternative options.
Below the video is an article on Statin Drugs with links. After your careful study and chatting with your health care professional, we can recommend you can buy Turmeric with Curcumin at Walmart & Walgreens. Also remember, everyone is different and may need different amounts to help your personal situation.
Big Pharma suffers another major blow as study debunks high cholesterol myths, admitting statins are totally worthless
Natural News / Friday, June 17, 2016 by: Julie Wilson staff writer
In fact, the results found that 92 percent of people with high cholesterol actually lived longer. The best way to achieve and maintain good heart health is not through medications but through healthy lifestyle habits.
"Lowering cholesterol with medications for primary cardiovascular prevention in those aged over 60 is a total waste of time and resources, whereas altering your lifestyle is the single most important way to achieve a good quality of life," said vascular and endovascular surgery expert Professor Sherif Sultan from the University of Ireland. scientists are reporting that cholesterol drugs, which 15 million Americans are prescribed, are also completely worthless. A group of international researchers published a study in the BMJ Open journal that found no link between what's known as "bad" cholesterol and death as a result of heart disease in individuals over 60 years of age.
'Lowering cholesterol with medications is a total waste of time'
Study co-author Dr. Malcolm Kendrick said their findings show "that older people with high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels, the so-called 'bad' cholesterol, lived longer and had less heart disease."
The revelations are sure to have huge implications for the pharmaceutical industry, as the cholesterol drug Lipitor is the most profitable meditation of all time – raking in more than $140 billion in sales, according to Health Impact News.
The guidelines for preventing heart disease and the buildup of plaque in the arteries need to be re-evaluated, said the study authors, adding that "the benefits from statin treatment have been exaggerated."
But the truth is that the benefits of statins haven't just been exaggerated, but 100 percent fabricated, as well as the "research" supporting other drugs such as antidepressants and vaccines.
Natural News reported in 2013 that the push to get even more U.S. adults on statins was facilitated by doctors tied to the industry. Physicians with the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology issued new guidelines three years ago calling for one-third of all adults to consider taking statins – a push proven to be extremely lucrative for Big Pharma.
When questioned about the conflict of interest, the response was: "Ties between heart doctors and Big Pharma are so extensive that it is almost impossible to find a large group of doctors who have no industry ties."